KEBA Innovation Space

Digital showroom with AGVs

The KEBA Innovation Space, a unique digital showroom, was opened at the beginning of the year. The interactive concept offers a completely individual customer experience. Visitors first select the relevant topics and technologies together with the KEBA hosts. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) then drive into the presentation room and present exhibits in interaction with digital content.

KEBA showroom combines innovative digital technologies

The Austrian KEBA Group AG offers modern automation solutions worldwide. Together with its partner Ars Electronica Solutions, KEBA has created the “KEBA InnoSpace” at its headquarters in Linz. The showroom software and content management system were implemented by Garamantis. The result of this collaboration is a digital showroom that presents the latest KEBA innovations in a vivid and unprecedented way.

Ars Electronica Solutions was responsible in particular for the interior design, the presentation surfaces in the form of screen walls and projections, and the sound and lighting design. The latter creates a dramaturgical link to the technical elements of the InnoSpace and turns the tour into a personal journey into the future of intelligent technologies.

Staging the digital showroom according to guests’ interests

The tour begins at a futuristic multi-touch table with rectangular glass cubes. Each cube is engraved to represent one of KEBA’s service areas (e.g. Industrial Automation, Handover Automation or Energy Automation) and innovations. Guests can select the topics that interest them most by placing the corresponding cubes on the table surface. A large wall projection presents these topics and their interrelationships in a network, forming the introduction to the tour.

At the same time, at the back of the showroom, the digital exhibition on the selected themes is already being set up. Up to four Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) with corresponding exhibits are arranged in front of a large screen wall consisting of 15 screens with a total resolution of 16,200 x 1,920 pixels. In this way, the digital showroom is able to spontaneously prepare the right exhibition for any topic constellation. KEBA solutions such as AGVs, artificial intelligence and digital control are used. The innovative brand can be experienced in this room and creates an individual exhibition for each guest.

The B2B showroom is only accessible to registered partners of the company, but has already been visited by more than 3,000 guests in the first few months after completion.

Photos: Ars Electronica Solutions / MyTrinh Müller-Gardiner / KEBA

Ars Electronica

Ars Electronica Solutions

Project Data

  • Client: KEBA Group AG
  • Context: „KEBA InnoSpace“
  • Time for implementation: 3 months
  • Project completion: January 2024
  • custom software and CMS

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