interactive exhibitions and digital museums

interactive exhibitions

Design your exhibition as a modern world of experience

Interactive and Digital Concepts for Exhibitions

Let’s face it, digging up fossilised facts from a desert of words doesn’t appeal to even the most ambitious archaeologist. That is why modern museum technologies are based on didactic concepts that work in the here and now – and will continue to do so in the future, thanks to their flexibility and adaptability. Interactive ways of sharing and transferring knowledge enable both playful and comprehensive learning and information processes for your visitors that take place almost unnoticed. Through entertaining storytelling in museums or exhibitions, learning new things or accessing new areas of knowledge becomes a pure pleasure, and immersive learning experiences facilitate better recall of not only the facts, but the experience itself.

Exhibition technologies redefined: For today’s interactive museums

Typically, visitors to a museum or exhibition come to you with their own backgrounds, prior knowledge and expectations. They speak different languages and have different and individual ways of processing information. This makes the versatility of integrated multi-touch technologies a valuable and appropriate tool for knowledge transfer:

  • Do you speak French? Visitors can choose the language and level of content that suits them best.
  • From tidbits of knowledge to full-blown brain-teasers: whether a brief description of an exhibit or a long excursion into the depths of the subject, it is up to your visitors to decide how far and how fast they want to go.
  • The fun of facts: playful and interactive knowledge transfer that sticks.
  • Flexibility that pays off: With a web-based CMS, curators and exhibition managers can independently change settings and content within minutes. This not only saves time, but also resources.
  • Feedback for fine-tuning: Stop guessing which elements or content are most popular – the interactive installations give you detailed information about the content, languages and activities most used by your visitors.

Multi-touch Display Case

A traditional showcase’s clear superior

You want to keep your exhibit safe from harm – but your visitors want to touch it. And who can blame them for being curious? Our interactive display‑case is such a perfect and beautiful compromise between these two conflicting demands that you hardly notice it as a compromise: visitors can interact with the exhibit by touching the display case glass. For example, they can rotate the turntable that holds the object or call up additional information about the object. Lighting and additional high-resolution monitors provide the perfect backdrop for your exhibit.

Interactive showcase prototype

Multi-touch Scanner Table

In the future, the only things collecting dust will be your obsolete shelves

Multitouch scanner table at 2,670 metres in the Hohe Mut Alm in the Ötztal Nature Park ©Archive Naturpark Ötztal - Thomas Schmarda

Have you ever been on an excavation without getting your hands dirty? With our multi-touch scanner table, you can do just that – whether the finds are virtual bones or detailed information on any exhibition-related topic. You can feed the CMS as much knowledge as you like and have it “spit out” in any quantity or complexity, depending on the exhibition and your requirements. Objects and documents that previously had to remain in storage due to lack of space can now be integrated into your exhibition, thanks to the multi-touch scanner table and its interactive visualisation capabilities. Of course, excavations take time. So this table allows up to four users to explore the site at the same time and even interact with each other.

Virtual Reality

Break the boundaries of your building’s dimensions

Your visitors have chosen and traveled to your museum or exhibition. So you might ask, “Why send them somewhere else?” and rightly so. However, the selective use of Virtual Reality can be a valuable addition to an exhibition, for example, to make the impossible possible – time travel to the past or future, or a journey to otherwise inaccessible locations. VR opens the doors not only to your own world, but to countless others. All at no extra charge.

Multimedia Application Laboratory Natural History Museum

Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality

Add another facet to reality

Rotatable screen for immersive views and all-round panoramic perspectives

Bring exhibits to life or share information in a playful – and at first glance hidden – way. For example, with a multi-touch revolving screen that gives your visitors a different view of your exhibition space – with extra digital information or even a glimpse into the space’s past.

Exhibition Control and Content Management

All systems smart and go!

With our CMS, tailored to your specific content, you can start and stop your entire interactive exhibition and activate, change or add individual content. In short, you have instant access and full control. For example, over the individual access rights and roles of your staff. What’s more, you can control your exhibition from the comfort of your tablet PC or smartphone. In addition, our interactive installations are fully self-sufficient, with automatic updates via network access or robust 24/7 offline operation.

Visitors interact with large multi-touch wall in the German Spy Museum

Step by Step Towards an Interactive Exhibition Experience

You may already have some experience of using interactive digital elements or components in an exhibition. You may have had this experience in your own institution or during a visit to another museum. Wherever you are, we are here to help you every step of the way towards an interactive museum. And while we are always the first to marvel at the hardware and software when we visit a museum, we never want the technological aspects of your exhibition to take centre stage. Instead, we aim to integrate the technologies seamlessly into your existing exhibition – to enrich it, not overshadow it. Remember, you don’t have to change and upgrade everything all at once. However, the following steps are recommended. Which one are you in right now?

Best practice: Interactive exhibition with immersive projection room

Garamantis Full Service for Your Exhibition Project

Thanks to our long-standing cooperation with Ars Electronica, we have already been able to support a number of museums and exhibitions on their way to becoming digital worlds of experience. We know exactly what works – and we know exactly how to get there:

  • Stocktaking: we take a look at your exhibition concept, your exhibits, and your room situation.
  • Brainstorming: in a creative exchange, together we devise ways of interactively involving your visitors and decide on the thematic focus.
  • Conception: we then translate those ideas into a concrete project plan for the implementation and use of interactive museum technologies, which includes – besides an overall concept, software, and CMS – the necessary hardware as well as its architectural/constructional integration within a fixed schedule.
  • Implementation: in collaboration with you and, if applicable, additional service providers we put said plan into practice and within just a few months realize your interactive exhibition at your desired location.

Of course, all this is only possible if you first tick off item number one on the agenda: contact us for a free, no-obligation initial consultation to answer your questions or to take stock – in our showroom.

Interactive exhibitions - examples

Networked exhibition technology for an entire interactive museum
Camera system detects dice and challenges players at interactive exhibit
Multitouch scanner table at 2,670 metres in the Hohe Mut Alm in the Ötztal Nature Park ©Archive Naturpark Ötztal - Thomas Schmarda
For the Ars Electronica Center, Ars Electronica Solutions developed an interactive exhibition for the ESA
Centerpiece des Vergangenheits-Pavillons in der interaktiven Ausstellung
Museum visitors at the multitouch table with object recognition for the Long Night of the Museums 2017
Interactive exhibition of the Vienna Chamber of Labour on digital traces and data security

Project Examples

Free consultation on interactive exhibition and museum

Benefit from our experience and be inspired by successful digital exhibition concepts.
We will be happy to advise you individually and without obligation.

Ina Badics

For the new “Haus der Wirtschaft” we wanted to present the global networking and diverse activities of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce in an innovative way and integrate them aesthetically into the open architecture of the building. With the interactive data visualisation from Garamantis we were able to achieve this brilliantly.

Ina Badics, project manager, Ars Electronica Solutions
Lars Lott

With Garamantis we were able to quickly create an interactive multi-touch table to visualise our data for an exhibition on the MS Wissenschaft. The project management and software implementation were focused and the end product met all our expectations. The hardware was delivered on time and the customer support is extremely service-oriented. Overall a very positive experience and working with people who were enthusiastic about working with us.

Dr. Lars Lott, Research Associate, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Wanda Rossi

With great professionalism, expertise and openness, the Garamantis team developed a real-time 3D multi-touch application that exceeded our expectations! The collaboration with our account team and designers was straightforward and fun. We look forward to working with Garamantis again in the future.

Wanda Rossi, Digital Project Manager, kraftwerk
invidis consulting

“The Wave” is an immersive installation in the former gas tank, now Museum Gasometer Oberhausen. Visitors to the current Planet Ocean exhibition can stand in front of or under the wave. Thanks to a software application by Garamantis, they even become part of the “water world”.

Projektion: Die fiktive 40-Meter-Welle

invidis, 3/28/2024
Marija Marchuk

With the creative minds of Garamantis, we had a master team of digitalisation at our side for the development of the exhibition at the Infocenter Berlin TXL. Projection mapping combines the technical with a sensual presentation, adding an aesthetic dimension to the communication of urban planning.

Marija Marchuk, Team Leader Innovation Centres and Community, Tegel Projekt GmbH
Titan Award 2023

TITAN Business Award 2023 – Gold Winner

Interactive B2B Showroom for FFT Production Systems wins gold in the category “Marketing – Best Brand Experience – B2B”

Interactive B2B Showroom for FFT Production Systems

TITAN Business Award 2023 - Gold Winner
