The Garamantis Team

Hello from our Workshop!

Intriguing though it may be, at our place it is not going to be an interactive installation that welcomes you, but a team of inventors and visionaries – preferably with a cup of coffee (yes, that one does come from a machine, but one for a change we didn’t build ourselves).

Oliver Elias

Surprise – our very own Gyro Gearloose in fact isn’t called Gyro at all. To his kids, Oliver is the ingenious inventor and builder of electronic gadgets like remote‑controlled bicycle turbines. To us, he is the one who started and built up Garamantis in the first place. And at the time with already impressive experience in working with interactive installations, at that. For instance, from his collaboration with ART + COM. Oliver developed his very first multi-touch table as early as in 2007. And for his diploma project designed a VR environment for the Ars Electronica. In short: Oliver is our hardware whisperer.

Marcus Dittebrand

He is our tech maven. Any language a machine can speak and understand, you can be sure Marcus speaks and understands, too. For example, he is conversant in Unity, but around us, he is also capable of having a normal conversation. About cats, for instance, or about that meme the internet seemingly chose to slip to him and him only. Oh, and by the way: almost offhandedly, he also devises crystal-clear concepts for interactive installations and scans all problems extensively and in 360°. And then of course solves them.

Andreas Will

You’d be surprised by the ping-pong match going on in our Head of Communications, between Business Development, Marketing, Sales, Agency Management, Partnerships, and many things more we are happy not to carry around in our own heads. Something we also cannot wrap our heads around is the fact that Andreas is (still!) the proud owner of a remarkable CD collection. How this fits in with his degree in (Social Media) Business Communications and his usual tasks at Garamantis, we‘ll never understand. But maybe you can help us find out:

Eva Gerth

Anyone who wants to design a showroom not only needs a good eye for pixels but a soft spot for interior design as well. We have Eva. And Eva in turn has studied Fine Arts at UdK Berlin and at the Art and Tech Department of the School of the Art Institute Chicago. In our team, she is easily the best at soldering and at the same time she’s a master student with Ursula Neugebauer. Need we say more? We would much rather have you take a look at her innovative exhibition concepts!

Jules Döhring

A person who during his studies in media computer science has supported himself with a job in a graphic design agency is destined to recognize not only a beautiful design for what it is, but the system behind it as well. Jules unerringly finds the concept in a creative chaos. And then proceeds to translate into 3D visuals so that we see it clearly, too. From then on, the motto is: if an idea doesn’t fit in with the overall concept, gone it is. Because a carpenter is known by his chips … in his spare time, Jules works not with blinking LEDs, but with wood.

Aileen Auerbach

Aileen takes every project to the next level. What else can you expect from someone with a degree in Game Design and a German Video Games Award? The latter she took home as part of a team (for once not dressed up in her Pikachu cosplay attire), because not only playing a game, but creative game development as well is more fun in company. And this fun she weaves into our – or better, your – interactive software. Ready?

Max Pohlenz

A little bit like our interactive installations, Max is a well-balanced combination of so many attractive talents and attributes: design, software development, web technologies, animations … Despite all this, we decided against putting him on display but instead chose to use his abilities as a software developer cum designer cum project manager for making beautiful UIs and software with a holistic concept. In his workspace as well, Max is a huge fan of balancing acts – on his exercise ball behind his height-adjustable desk.

Norbert Hillinger

Being a trend scout, futurologist, and innovation consultant, Norbert is on good speaking terms with every “Next Big Thing”. It thus comes as no surprise that in his time off, he usually ends up in the remotest backwoods of the planet. Because everywhere else he has already heard of. He supports us not so much in our vacation planning as with his innovation expertise in larger projects. When he’s not currently working for us, he is active for Themis Foresight in the area of futurology or at the HPI Academy to develop IT education and training formats there.

Sarah Laube

Who engages in aerial acrobatics better be able to find her bearings under all circumstances. And for the sake of safety, not only in the digital world … which is why Sarah, with her competencies both in the artistic and analogue and in the digital lifts our projects to undreamt‑of heights. And her contribution to those projects does not include castles in the air, but always remains well-grounded, pragmatic, and precise. Her motivation: to enrich exhibitions with immersive experiences. Our motivation: keeping Sarah safe.

Ekaterina Losik


Ekaterina ist neu, kommt aus der Informatik,
sie liebt die Stille und fehlerfreie Software-Statik.
Darüber hinaus ist sie äußerst schnell,
und ihre Visual Effects erscheinen hell.