Multimedia Projection Room In Chamber Music Hall
At Vitznau on beautiful Lake Lucerne in Switzerland, the world’s first co-called Neuro Campus Hotel has opened. An essential part of its holistic feel-good concept is a high-class chamber music hall with an immersive multimedia antechamber. Dubbed “DAS MORGEN” (the Tomorrow), this room has been designed by our partner Ars Electronica Solutions as a visually and acoustically singular space. They invited Garamantis to provide consulting support and implement the room’s central software and CMS.
Room-filling 4K Projections and 3D Sound
The multi‑level room includes a total of 19 UHD-resolution projectors that cover the entire main wall (7.680 X 6.092 px), the floor (7.680 x 4.320 px) as well as the side walls of the first floor with interactive projections. A 3D audio system by L-Acoustics provides an immersive listening experience to match. The room’s technological basis is the Deep Space 8K technology with its unique functionalities developed by Ars Electronica.
Musical Application Inside Immersive Space
Ars Electronica Solutions designed two custom applications for the chamber music hall’s multimedia compartment. “Ruf zum Widerhall” (Call to Echo) is an audio-visual composition that involves the visualization of notes reacting in real time to an artistical interpretation of a yodel tune. Composition and visualization are a nod to the canton’s local musical tradition and the typical vespertine light mood of Lake Lucerne, respectively.
Another interactive application is dedicated to Vitznau’s immediate surroundings. An animated bird’s‑eye view of Lake Lucerne and the landscape surrounding it is projected onto the floor. This allows the visitors to walk upon it in a “flyover exploration” of the local area. Lingering at particular spots (hotspots) prompts large-scale media playback and extra information pops up. This way, visitors get the opportunity to learn about local culture, history, and culinary tradition. By means of floor-level LIDAR sensors, the system is able to determine the exact position of all individuals inside the room.
Multimedia Projection Room for Flexible Use
The room acts as a foyer for the chamber music hall, to properly attune visitors to the upcoming concert experience by means of real-time visualizations. At the same time, the flexible CMS ensures the venue’s versatility for all kinds of events. Hence, the opening in March 2023 is but a foretaste of this multi-functional room’s enormous potential.
Photos: Ars Electronica Solutions (Florian Voggeneder, Isa Schölmbauer)

Ars Electronica Solutions
Project Data
- Client: Ars Electronica Solutions
- Context: DAS MORGEN Vitznau
- Time for Implementation: 3 months
- Project completion: March 2023
- Individualized software and central CMS
- Consultation and advice

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